repo wide search and replace should be easier.
like ack or ag, but for search and replace.
can climb to the root of a git repo before running.
shows a preview of the replacements to be made.
prompts to continue globally or at each change site.
python3 -m pip install git+
agr '(\w+)_factory' '\1_factory_factory'
$ agr '(\w+)_factory' '\1_factory_factory'
> def poodle_factory_factory(): => def poodle_factory_factory_factory():
> def dog_factory_factory(): => def dog_factory_factory_factory():
> proceed? y/n
$ agr '(\w+)_factory' --delete
> def poodle_factory_factory(): => DELETED!
> def dog_factory_factory(): => DELETED!
> proceed? y/n
>> agr -h
usage: agr [-h] [-d] [-p] [-s] [-u] [-n] [-y] [-e] pattern [replacement]
positional arguments:
pattern regex to match
replacement replacement for matches (default: -)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --delete rather than substitute replacement, delete the matched line (default: False)
-p, --preview show diffs and then exit without prompting for commit (default: False)
-s, --short show shorter diffs (default: False)
-u, --unrestricted process all files, not just code files (default: False)
-n, --no-climb no climbing upwards until a .git dir is found (default: False)
-y, --yes commit without prompting (default: False)
-e, --each prompt for y/n at each change site (default: False)